Monday, April 9, 2012

Oozing with hotness and talent 4minute vs. SISTAR?

The two girl groups, 4minute and SISTAR, who are releasing albums soon, will go head to head with their lovely and sexy charms this month. On April 9, 4minute released their third mini album, "Volume Up," while SISTAR releases their first mini album, "Alone," three days later, on April 12.

The two groups, who are releasing their album around the same time, also had similar jacket covers. Both groups wore dresses with deep slits in the bottom that showed off their beautiful legs. On April 4, a photo of 4minute was revealed with dark smokey makeup on, which sort of made them look like seductive vampires. The very next day, SISTAR unveiled a photo of themselves with bold makeup and leather outfits, which showed off their alluring and sexy charms.

The two groups are both planning to accentuate their captivating beauty onstage for their new songs. In the introduction of 4minute's new song, "Volume Up," a saxophone, which isn't often used in girl group music, is played. It makes the song more engaging and interesting. SISTAR also has a smooth sound to their new song, "Alone," which allows you to see each member's charm.
A representative from 4minute's agency, Cube Entertainment, said, "When you see their stage, you are going to think of words like 'exceptional' and 'provocative.' They have prepared a powerful change." As well, a representative from SISTAR's agency, Starship Entertainment, said, "SISTAR's charm was originally their 'healthy sexiness,' however, now they are planning to show their sophisticated charm and look with their bold change."
Which group do you like better -- 4minute or SISTAR?

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